Claim for reimbursement to a person other than the main insured

Publication date
Caisse nationale de santé (CNS)
Claim for reimbursement to a person other than the main insured
Language : English
Pdf - 160 Kb - 1 page(s)

This form is to be used if you wish to:

  • obtain reimbursements on your own account previously registered with the CNS
    • if you have paid costs upfront for another person (other than your co-insureds)
    • for yourself (you are co-insured)
  • change a prior declaration

Our page  "Request for reimbursement to another person" gives you detailed information about the procedure.

More languages :

Demande de remboursement à une personne autre que l’assuré principal

Language : French
Pdf - 144 Kb - 1 page(s)

Antrag auf Erstattung an eine andere Person als die Hauptversicherte

Language : German
Pdf - 144 Kb - 1 page(s)

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