Dental prostheses
- Phone: 2757-4350
- Fax: 26 48 28 71
Orthodontic treatments
- Phone: 2757-4360
- Fax: 26 48 28 71
Treatment and services subject to authorisation
Accessories, rhinoplasty, sterilisation, Holter and other monitoring, laser treatment, gastroplasty, lipectomy, amniocentesis, psychotherapy
- Phone: 2757-1
- Fax: 26 48 28 71
Other health care professions
Physiotherapy, speech therapy, psychomotricians, dieticians
- Phone: 2757-4530
Positive list, certificates of coverage
- Phone: 2757-4599
- Fax: 407850
Transfer abroad - S2 Form (former E112)
- Phone: 2757-4300
- Fax: 2757-4309
- @: