Progressive return to work for therapeutic reasons (RPTRT)

You are unable to work for a longer period and have not yet fully recovered, but you and your doctor think that returning to work progressively could have a positive effect on your state of health? Then progressive return to work for therapeutic reasons could be the solution for you!

What is a progressive return to work for therapeutic reasons?

The aim of a progressive return to work is to enable you to return to work progressively during your recovery phase, while limiting the stress of the daily work rhythm and thus helping to improve your general state of health. You should seek advice from your attending physician, who will be able to give you the best advice on the therapeutic benefits of returning to work.

Conditions and request for progressive return to work

What conditions need to be met to benefit from this programme?
  1. Have been unable to work for at least one month in the three months preceding your request to the CNS.
  2. Be unable to work at the moment you make your request.
  3. Have a confirmation from your doctor that this programme will have a positive effect on your recovery and state of health.
  4. Have your employer's consent.
  5. Obtain prior authorisation from the CNS to begin the progressive return to work, on the basis of an favorable opinion from the Social Security Medical Board (Contrôle médical de la sécurité sociale-CMSS).
How do I make a request?

Consult your doctor

Your attending physician is your main contact. They can advise you to request a progressive return to work if this could have a positive effect on your recovery. You can then prepare the request together.

Employers' consent

The employer gives his consent by signing the request that you have filled out with your doctor.

Request sent to the CNS for approval

Once the request (via the standard form) has been filled out and signed by yourself, your doctor and your employer, you can send it by post to the CNS for approval (no stamp required from Luxembourg):

Caisse nationale de santé
Indemnités pécuniaires
L- 2979 Luxembourg

Other frequently asked questions

Do I need to provide a medical certificate for the progressive return to work programme in addition to the standard form?

Yes, for the duration of the progressive return to work, you must provide a medical certificate stating that you are unable to work full-time, and you are considered to be unable to work from the point of view of employment law. You do not need to present a new certificate if you are unable to work during the programme.

However, any interruption in your incapacity for work brings the programme to an end: for example, legal holiday or an early return to work on a full-time basis (100% of the normal working time under your employment contract). You must immediately inform the CNS in writing.



You are considered to be totally unable to work during the progressive return to work programme, so this period is fully taken into account when calculating the maximum duration of sickness benefits (78 weeks in total over a period of 104 weeks).

Who pays my salary during my progressive return to work?

Your salary is paid either by the CNS or by your employer, depending on who is responsible for it (see "Duration of the financial benefits"). You will be notified in writing of any change in payment.

What percentage do I have to work during the programme?

There are no fixed rates. You can therefore progressively adapt your return to work to your state of health, in order to help it improve.

Do I have to respect the rules to leave home if I am unable to work during the programme?

No, you are free to leave your place of residence. The rules on leaving home do not apply while you are progressively returning to work for therapeutic reasons.

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