Assistance from support organisations


The State, municipality or social office that has provided support to an insured person in the period during which the insured person was entitled to services from the health insurance, is entitled to reimbursement from the fund for the part of the costs covered by the health insurance.


Request for information about the insured person's entitlement to a refund

Upon request, the CNS is able to inform support organisations if, and to what extent, the people they have supported are entitled to the services set out by law.


Costs covered

1. Funeral expenses up to the value of the funeral allowance
2. Medical and pharmaceutical treatment, as well as hospitalisation or treatment in another institution
3. All services in kind covered by the statutes of the CNS.

The insured person will remain liable to pay the personal participation.

Article 81 du Code de la sécurité sociale
La présente loi ne modifie ni les obligations légales de l’Etat, des communes et des offices sociaux de secourir les personnes nécessiteuses, ni les obligations légales, statutaires, contractuelles ou testamentaires concernant l’assistance des personnes assurées en vertu de la présente loi ou de leurs survivants.
Toutefois, l’Etat, la commune ou l’office social qui ont secouru un indigent pour une période pendant laquelle celui-ci avait droit aux prestations de l’assurance maladie, pourront se faire rembourser leurs dépenses dans les limites ci-après déterminée :
- les frais funéraires jusqu’à concurrence de l’indemnité funéraire;
- le traitement médical et pharmaceutique, ainsi que le placement dans un hôpital ou un autre établissement;
- tous les autres secours, sur les prestations correspondantes.
La Caisse nationale de santé et les caisses de maladie sont tenues d’informer, sur demande, les organismes d’assistance si et dans quelle étendue des personnes que ceux-ci ont secourues, ont droit aux prestations prévues par la présente loi.

Article 81 of the Social Security Code

This law shall not amend the legal obligations of the State, municipalities and social offices to provide support services to persons in need; nor shall it amend legal, statutory, contractual or testamentary obligations concerning assistance for insured parties as provided for by this law, or their surviving dependents.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the State, municipality or social office that has provided support to an individual in economic hardship in the period during which such person was entitled to health insurance services shall be entitled to a refund in connection with the expenses incurred, subject to the following limits:
- Funeral expenses up to the value of the funeral allowance
- Medical and pharmaceutical treatment, as well as hospitalisation or treatment in another institution
- Any other support, for the corresponding services.
The National Health Fund (CNS) and health insurance funds shall be required, upon request, to inform support organisations if, and to what extent, the people they have supported are entitled to the services set out by this law.

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