Administrative control

The CNS can carry out administrative controls of persons on leave due to sickness or accident, both for the period when the employer is responsible for the continued payment of wages as well as the period when the CNS is paying out sickness benefits.

The controls may be initiated by either the insured's employer or the CNS.

The employer's request must be submitted in writing using the online form "Request for administrative control".

Reason for the request

During the administrative control, it is only checked whether the insured person is at home, i.e. whether the hours for leaving the home are respected. The insured's state of health is NOT checked.

If the employer has doubts about the veracity of the medical certificate, he has the right to request a second examination by a doctor of his choice.

For information on the formalities for this second examination, the employer can contact the ITM (Inspection du travail et des mines), as this is a procedure governed by labour law.

Please note

An administrative control is NOT a medical control.

The CNS cannot accept requests for administrative control for reasons relating to medical facts.

Request procedure

The online request form must be duly filled out by the employer.

All fields in the form must be completed and the request must be justified.


The control consists of a visit to the home or current place of stay of the person on sick leave.

If the person controlled is not present during the visit, it will be considered a violation of CNS statutes. The CNS agent will leave a notice with a form for the person to reply, asking for a written explanation within three days of the visit. The postmark date will be considered the date of the letter's sending.

These controls are carried out only on persons reported incapable of work owing to sickness or accident and who are supposed to remain at home and have not been given authorisation to leave their house; controls may also be carried out in public places.

Outcome of the control

In cases where the person subject to the control is absent at the time of the control and is not able to provide justification in the manner and within the time period laid down, their dossier will be examined as part of an investigation by the CNS, which can issue an administrative penalty.

The employer of the person subject to the control is notified when suspicion of a contravention of the statutes is confirmed by the fact that the person subject to the control provides no valid explanation of absence in the manner and within the time period laid down for the purpose.

The CNS services check whether the explanation of absence is founded. The CNS will pursue all doubtful cases.

In situations in which the control establishes that contraventions of another kind has taken place (practising a sport, going out during the first five days of sickness, and/or going to non-authorised locations etc.) the relevant facts will be recorded by the CNS agent in his report.

Sanctions taken by the President of the CNS

The sanctions imposed by the President of the CNS for contravention of the statutes consist of administrative fines. These fines may be increased in the case of a recurring offence.

The person concerned may file an objection against the decisions on measures taken by the Council of Administration or they may appeal to the social courts.

List of sanctions imposed

Employers involved in a labour dispute with an employee on a charge of abusive absenteeism, and labour tribunals or social tribunals involved in litigation, may request from the CNS a list of sanctions incurred by the insured person in question following charges of abusive absenteeism.

Such lists contain no medical data and are confined to a listing of sanctions not open to appeal or judged as final and binding in the course of the 12 months prior to the time the request was filed.


The complete text of the relevant statutory provisions (viz. articles 191 to 217) may be consulted following the link provided below under "More information".

Only the legal texts published in official form are legally binding.


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