Stay abroad during a period of incapacity for work

In theory, during a period of incapacity for work, the country of stay cannot be different from that of the insured person's official place of residence.

Prior authorisation from the CNS is required for any stay in a country other than the one where the insured person officially resides during an incapacity for work.

An authorisation can only be granted in a limited number of situations.

Severe illness

A stay abroad during a period of incapacity for work may be authorised, exceptionally and upon prior request, by the CNS in case of a serious illness (ex.: cancer, stroke, severe heart failure, multiple sclerosis, ...) on a favourable opinion of the Medical Board of the Social Security (Contrôle médical de la sécurité sociale CMSS).  

The request is made using the standard form "Request for prior authorisation for a stay abroad during a period of incapacity for work".

The attending physician certifies that there is no medical contraindication for a stay abroad, for a specific period and country.

As a stay abroad must be granted in advance, the request for a stay authorisation abroad in case of serious illness must be sent to the competent department of the CNS as soon as possible, at the latest one working week before departure, otherwise it will be inadmissible.

The insured person will be notified of the exceptional approval or refusal of the authorisation.

Right to palliative care

The person entitled to palliative care may be authorised to stay abroad for the duration of the palliative care, on the basis of a prior written request submitted to the CNS.

Specific situations

Upon prior request, the CNS may approve a stay abroad for a maximum of one working week, on the detailed advice of the treating physician, exclusively in the following cases:

  • observation of a consolidated disease as part of the invalidity procedure;
  • death occurred abroad of a 1st degree blood relative, 1st degree relative or partner;
  • birth abroad of a child of the person declared incapable of working.

In the case of a death or birth abroad, authorisation may be requested and granted only when the event has taken place, on presentation of the death certificate or birth certificate.

A stay abroad can only be authorised in one of the situations outlined above.


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