Internal organisation

The President

The CNS is governed by its President, Mr Christian Oberlé, who assumes the dual function of head of administration and State representative on the Council of Administration. The President represents the CNS judicially and extra-judicially.

The President, in collaboration with the Council of Administration, coordinates, plans, governs and supervises all activities of the CNS.

The Directorate

The management and coordination of the CNS's activities is entrusted to a Directorate. In addition to the tasks assigned to the Council of Administration, the Directorate has general responsibilities at various levels: strategic, political and organisational.

The Directorate consists of:

José BALANZATEGUI, whose main mission is to coordinate relations with service providers in the hospital and long-term care sectors.

Stéphanie BLAISE whose main tasks are organisational development, human resources and relations with insured persons.

Eric BURLOT whose main mission is to coordinate the nomenclature, conventions, analysis and prospective division.

Claude FRIEDEN, whose main mission is to coordinate the department in charge of medications, medical devices and preventive medicine and to coordinate benefits in kind.

Nicolas KREMER, whose main mission is to coordinate the modernisation of IT.

Cédric NEIENS, whose main tasks are the management of cash benefits, assets, administrative support and mail services, as well as the coordination of finances and dematerialisation.

Mike WALCH, whose main mission is to coordinate the General Secretariat, legal coordination and litigation and legal affairs.

The departments

The activities of the CNS are grouped into 14 departments.

Department Cash benefits sickness-maternity (Département Prestations en espèces maladie-maternité)

The department Cash benefits sickness-maternity is responsible for processing certificates of incapacity for work, calculating and paying sickness benefits as well as work exemptions, maternity leave, adoption leave, leave for family reasons and family hospice leave for nursing a dying or seriously ill person. They also carry out administrative controls of insureds on sick leave.

Head of department:

Deputy head of department:

Department International (Département International)

The department International includes all missions relating to cross-border activities, including processing of all international forms (S1, BL1, etc.), processing of requests for transfers abroad for inpatient or outpatient treatment, and issuing European Health Insurance Cards. They also process balance sheets (receivables and payables) between Luxembourg and Member States of the European Union, EEA countries, Switzerland and countries bound with Luxembourg by bi- or multilateral agreement.

Head of department:

Department Relation with insureds (Département Relation assurés)

The department's primary tasks are to coordinate and evaluate the implementation of the strategic objectives and associated actions defined by the directorate and relating to the management of the relationship with the insured.
The department listens to the insured, in particular through its agencies and call centre. It provides information about sickness, maternity and long-term care insurance and, as far as possible, other areas of social security. It guides the insured person and/or their co-insureds through the various procedures: issuing cheques, managing co-insurance, updating personal details, issuing documents and certificates, etc.

Head of department:

Deputy heads of department:
Elise DUMOLIN and Steve HARPES

Department Benefits in kind sickness-maternity (Département Prestations en nature maladie-maternité)

The mission of the department Benefits in kind sickness-maternity is to provide reimbursements of healthcare costs incurred in Luxembourg and abroad, to organise the centralised registration of all healthcare professionals and providers and to manage authorisation, pricing and payment of certain acts.  

Head of department:

Deputy heads of Department:

Department Medications, medical devices and preventive medicine (Département Médicaments, dispositifs médicaux et médecine préventive)

The department Medications, medical devices and preventive medicine is in charge of covering medications, medical devices and other supplies (e.g. hearing aids, bandages, pressure sore mattresses...).

Head of department:
Annemarie KOHN

Deputy head of department:
Danièle HENGEN

Department Hospitals (Département Établissements hospitaliers)

The department Hospitals manages relations with hospitals and with the Luxembourg Federation of Hospitals (Fédération des hôpitaux luxembourgeois - FHL).

Head of department:

Deputy head of department:

Department Long-term care insurance (Département Assurance dépendance)

The department Long-term care insurance processes claims for long-term care insurance benefits.

Head of department:

Department Human resources (Département Ressources humaines)

The main mission of the Department Human resources is to recruit qualified and motivated candidates in order to successfully integrate them. The department also supervises the professional and personal development of employees at all hierarchical levels and manages projects and initiatives relating to human resources, including those relating to administrative management.

Head of department:
Torsten KLAAS

Deputy head of department:

Department Finances, logistics and buildings (Département Finances, logistique et bâtiments)

The department Finances, logistics and buildings is responsible for the budgets and accounting of the sickness-maternity and long-term care insurances and is responsible for managing the CNS's administrative budget. In addition, the department manages the recovery of claims for undue amounts and processes payments of benefits. The department furthermore manages all necessary support services (mail, logistics, office equipment) for the daily operations of the CNS.

Head of department:
Christian SLIEPEN

Deputy head of department:
Jean-Marie ROSSLER

Department MOA, IT support and decisional analysis (Département MOA, support informatique et analyse décisionnelle)

The department MOA, IT support and decisional analysis coordinates and plans CNS projects with a high level of IT involvement and a high degree of interaction with the Centre informatique de la sécurité sociale (CISS). Furthermore, they ensure coordination of major IT resources and tools within the CNS.

Head of department:
Fabrice MAERZ

Department Communication (Département Communication)

The department Communication is responsible for internal and external communication. In particular, they are responsible for managing and updating the CNS's intranet and internet sites and publishing information leaflets.

Head of department:
Caroline DE HOOG

Deputy Head of department:
Jérôme ROUX

Department Legal coordination (Département Coordination juridique)

The department Legal Coordination coordinates legal affairs. They coordinate the adaptation of legal instruments (agreements and statutes) and actions to combat abuse and fraud.

Head of department:

Deputy head of department:

Department Litigations and legal affairs (Département Contentieux et affaires juridiques)

The department Litigations and legal affairs handles complaints and oppositions made against presidential decisions. The department also manages the CNS litigation and provides legal advice.

Head of department:

Deputy head of department:

Department Organisation (Département Organisation)

The department Organisation supports the development of the CNS in order to help it fulfil its missions and to meet the expectations of all stakeholders, both internal and external. The department's tasks include assessing the existing organisation and its functioning, proposing development scenarios, providing support and guidance to the cross-cutting functions that also contribute to continuous improvement and, finally, assisting with the implementation of new organisations by proposing the tools, techniques, methods and support required for their implementation.

Head of department:

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