Insuring family members

A co-insured person is someone who is not personally insured and who may be covered in terms of health insurance through the affiliation of the main insured.

Co-insurance is free of charge.

Co-insurance for Luxembourg residents

In Luxembourg, the following persons can be co-insured with the main insured:

  • The spouse or partner (civil union, known as PACS)
  • A child who is either:
    • legitimate,
    • legitimated,
    • natural,
    • adopted or
    • taken in on a long-term basis in the household, for which the insured (or his/her spouse/partner) obtains a moderation of tax.
Co-insurance of a spouse/partner/adult child

Co-insurance of a spouse/partner/adult child is never automatic. A request must be sent to the CNS.

Following the ending of the spouse's/partner's own membership

If the spouse or partner to be co-insured was personally insured in Luxembourg and their affiliation ended, they should simply contact the CNS - Service Coassurance by either phone or email, but only once they have received the document called "Information concernant une déclaration de sortie" sent out by the "Centre commun de la sécurité sociale (CCSS)".

Following a recent move to Luxembourg

If the spouse/partner/adult child was not insured in Luxembourg and has recently moved to Luxembourg, one of the following scenarios applies:

1. The spouse/partner/adult child has left a country of the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, United Kingdom and was insured there:

  • on a personal basis: a form S041 (former E104) issued by the former health insurance fund is required. Please provide us with the details of the competent foreign health insurance fund and the foreign social security number in order for the CNS to make the request via the electronic EESSI system.
  • as a co-insured family member: a certificate of co-insurance from the former health insurance fund must be submitted to the CNS.

2. The spouse/partner/adult child has left a country linked to Luxembourg by bilateral agreement (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cape Verde, Morocco, Montenegro, Tunisia, Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia), and was insured there:

  • on a personal basis: a form specifically provided for by the agreement in question (in principle, the name of the form ends in 104) issued by the former health fund must be submitted to the CNS. In case of difficulties, please provide us with the contact details of the competent foreign health insurance fund and the foreign social security number so that the CNS can make the request.
  • as a co-insured family member: a certificate of co-insurance from the former health insurance fund must be submitted to the CNS.

3. The spouse/partner/adult child has left a country not linked to Luxembourg by a bi- or multilateral agreement: in principle, the CNS will send a declaration on honour to be completed by the spouse/partner/adult child to be co-insured.


Procedure - Registration of a partnership concluded abroad

Partners who have registered a partnership abroad must formalise their relationship in Luxembourg by requesting the registration of their partnership in the Luxembourg Civil Register held by the Public Prosecutor's Office (Parquet général).

The registration of a partnership registered abroad in the Luxembourg Civil Register allows the partnership to be considered as a Luxembourg partnership. After registration of the partnership, the Luxembourg Civil Register sends the partner a certificate of partnership with the date of registration.

Co-insurance of a child

Normally, co-insurance of a child born and residing in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is automatic. Co-insurance with one of the parents is possible until 29 years of age inclusive, provided that the child to be co-insured has resources beneath the guaranteed minimum wage for a single person.

The child can only be co-insured with one main insured, either the one they live with or the one who ensures their maintenance and education. If both parents fulfill these conditions, the child is covered under the insurance of the parent oldest in age.

From the age of 30, co-insurance is still possible, but only if the person pursues higher education studies and with the authorisation of the CNS.

The cross-border worker must declare any change in situation (marriage, birth of a child, divorce, death...) to the competent fund of the country of residence and to the CNS.

Co-insurance for residents abroad

A cross-border worker is someone who is personally insured in Luxembourg but lives abroad. The family members may also be co-insured in Luxembourg. However, the legislation of the country of residence determines which family members may be co-insured with the main insured in Luxembourg.

If the cross-border worker has a spouse/partner or a child to be co-insured, the competent fund in the country of residence must inform the CNS. Each family member defined as a dependant of the principal insured will in turn need an individual registration form. The country of residence will request this form from Luxembourg electronically via EESSI (electronic exhange of social security information).

A certificate of entitlement to co-insurance submitted by the principal insured cannot be accepted.

Family member already listed in the national register

If the family member to be co-insured is already registered in the Luxembourg National Registry of Natural Persons (registre national des personnes physiques RNPP)/social security database, the CNS will send the requested registration form to the fund of the country of residence. The CNS can then proceed with the co-insurance upon receipt of the appropriate form S073 sent back via EESSI by the competent fund in the country of residence.

Family member not yet registered in the national register

If the person to be co-insured does not yet have a personal file in the National Registry of Natural Persons (registre national des personnes physiques RNPP)/social security database at the time the application is received, the CNS will request the necessary documents from the principal insured.

The following documents must be submitted by the principal insured to the CNS in order to register in the RNPP:

  • Co-insurance of a child: the birth certificate as well as a certificate of residence/household composition
  • Co-insurance of a spouse: the marriage certificate, as well as a certificate of residence/household composition.
  • Co-insurance of a partner: partners who have registered a partnership abroad must formalise their relationship in Luxembourg by requesting the registration of their partnership in the Luxembourg Civil Register held by the Public Prosecutor's Office (Parquet général). The registration of a partnership registered abroad in the Luxembourg Civil Register allows the partnership to be considered as a Luxembourg partnership. After registration of the partnership, the Luxembourg Civil Register sends the partner a certificate of partnership with the date of registration. The registration of the partner in the RNPP is done after registration in the Luxembourg Civil Register. A copy of the certificate of partnership can be joined to the application for co-insurance sent to the CNS.
Co-insurance of a family member of a Belgian cross-border worker

For Belgian cross-border workers the procedure is different. After the affiliation of the Belgian cross-border worker, the CNS sends the BL1 form to the insured person or to the mutual insurance company if the latter is already known. If the frontier worker has a spouse/partner or a child to be co-insured, the Belgian health insurance fund will inform the CNS by adding this information on the BL1 form. The CNS can proceed with the co-insurance as soon as it receives the appropriate form.

In the event of a change of situation (marriage, civil partnership or birth), the Belgian health insurer must provide a BL6 form so that the CNS can proceed with the co-insurance of the family members.

If the person to be co-insured is not yet registered in the National Registry of Natural Persons (registre national des personnes physiques RNPP) in Luxembourg, the following documents must also be submitted to the CNS in order to finalise the co-insurance request:

  • Co-insurance of a child: the birth certificate as well as a certificate of residence/household composition
  • Co-insurance of a spouse: the marriage certificate (or a birth certificate), as well as a certificate of residence/household composition.
  • Co-insurance of a partner: partners who have registered a partnership abroad must formalise their relationship in Luxembourg by requesting the registration of their partnership in the Luxembourg Civil Register held by the Public Prosecutor's Office (Parquet général). The registration of a partnership registered abroad in the Luxembourg Civil Register allows the partnership to be considered as a Luxembourg partnership. After registration of the partnership, the Luxembourg Civil Register sends the partner a certificate of partnership with the date of registration. The registration of the partner in the RNPP is done after registration in the Luxembourg Civil Register. A copy of the certificate of partnership can be joined to the application for co-insurance sent to the CNS.

Co-insurance if the family member to be co-insured does not live in the same country as the main insured

The main insured resides in Luxembourg

In some cases, the main insured lives in Luxembourg but their family members live abroad. By "abroad" are meant the member countries of the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland or a country linked to Luxembourg by a bilateral agreement.

If the family members are not insured in their country of residence, co-insurance is possible. However, the health fund of the country of residence where the family members live must contact the CNS electronically via EESSI (electronic exchange of social security information) using form S071 to request the S072 equivalent to the digital version of the S1. The health insurance fund in the country of residence will confirm registration by returning form S073.

This request must be submitted by the health fund of the country of residence. It serves as proof to the CNS that the family members are not otherwise insured in their country of residence.

The main insured resides abroad

It may happen that the main insured works in Luxembourg or receives a pension from the National Pension Fund (CNAP-Caisse nationale d'assurance pension) and lives abroad, while the family members to be co-insured live in Luxembourg.

The country of residence of the main insured may be a country of the European Union, the European Economic Area, Switzerland or one of the countries with which Luxembourg has concluded a bilateral agreement.

If the family members are not otherwise insured in Luxembourg, a request for co-insurance can be submitted to the CNS, "Service Coassurance et signalétique". The CNS then decides whether the request for co-insurance is eligible.

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