In practice

Once the insured person has paid the costs upfront, they can get reimbursed, either by cheque or by bank transfer.


By cheque

The insured person must visit one of our agencies:

  • the total amount of the invoices must be at least 100,- €;
  • the invoices were paid less than 15 days ago.

By bank transfer

  • Send the receipted original fee notes or other original invoices to the CNS.
  • The fee notes or invoices must contain the 13-digit matricule number of the insured person who received the care. If it is your first reimbursement request, please join a bank identity statement issued by your bank (relevé d'identité bancaire - RIB).

You do not need to use a stamp for mailings to the CNS from Luxembourg. However, if you wish to send it to us by registered mail, you will have to cover these costs.

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