Electronic data exchange

In Article 16 of the Agreement between the CNS and the Luxembourg Association of Dieticians (ANDL), the parties agree to organise the management, transmission and storage of the documents provided for in the Agreement exclusively in digital and electronic form. This approach covers all processes and flows between the parties, i.e. both exchanges in the context of prescription validation (requests for reimbursement certificates) and billing via the third-party payment system.

In concrete terms, the provider must connect remotely to a secure area to deposit its application files and retrieve the response files that the CNS has deposited there. To do this, a provider must:

  • Connect to the secure "HealthNet" network to access the CNS server.
  • Be able to generate request files in accordance with the specifications of the agreement and to inject the CNS return files into its own database.

Access to the CNS server

In order to ensure a confidential and secure exchange of data, the provider must connect to "HealthNet", a highly secure computer network provided by the eHealth Agency. Then, the provider must request a username and password to access the CNS server, which is also connected to HealthNet.

The relevant forms and user guides are available below. It is recommended that new providers who wish to connect for the first time first consult the "User guide to activate a new electronic connection with the CNS".

IMPORTANT NOTE: Access to HealthNet and the CNS server is restricted to providers who have a valid provider code. If you do not yet have such a code, please first follow the procedure to assign a provider code.

File format to be exchanged

The files to be exchanged with the CNS must be generated in XML and PDF formats. Given the complexity of the data and the specific requirements regarding the structure and quality of the files, providers generally rely on professional software manufacturers. There are several products on the Luxembourg practice management software market that integrate the creation, sending and receiving of files that comply with the requirements of the specifications included in the above-mentioned agreement.

The specifications describing the technologies and standardised formulas to be used, as well as the various reference files provided for therein, are made available to developers of IT tools, whether professional or not, in the "for further information" section below.

The forms

  • "HealthNet Luxembourg - Request for services: activation, modification, termination"
  • "Request for access - Electronic data exchange"  

should be sent as PDFs to gefo.cns@secu.lu.

Applications in JPEG and HTM format cannot be opened and will therefore not be accepted.

Flat rate for IT costs

In consideration of the costs incurred in the electronic exchange, article 37 of the agreement provides for an annual flat-rate intervention paid by the CNS to the dietetic practices. The conditions for granting and applying for this lump sum can be consulted here.

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