
On this page, dieticians will find all the information concerning the reimbursement of acts and services, the steps to take to start a liberal activity and other useful information.

Terms and conditions of reimbursement and legal basis

The terms and conditions for the reimbursement of dietetic services are defined by the agreement between the CNS and the ANDL, the nomenclature of acts and services of dieticians and specific provisions of the CNS statutes.

For more information, please see the specific section.

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Applications in JPEG and HTM format cannot be opened and will therefore not be accepted.


Declaration of a joint practice

If several dieticians decide to work in a joint practice, they have several possibilities to invoice their services to the CNS:

  • Each dietician invoices his or her own services separately with the CNS. In this case, no further steps in the code allocation process are necessary.
  • Dietitians apply for a common provider code in order to form a self-employed association with shared fees
  • A dietician invoices all services to the CNS and indicates the provider code of the performer for each session provided. In this case, the relationship between the different providers must be declared to the CNS in the form of a joint billing association.

Liberal association

The practice of dietetics in a liberal association with pooling of fees is linked to the creation of a common provider code. All acts performed by the members of the association can be billed under this association code.

In contrast to other forms of joint billing, the liberal association is characterised by greater stability and transparency between its members. In concrete terms, this translates into the following practical arrangements:

  • Each member of the association must confirm the joining or leaving of a member by their signature
  • Each member of the association receives an annual statement of the amounts charged to the association for the period during which they were a member

To request an association code or to communicate a change in the composition of an existing association to the CNS, the form "Dietetic practice in a liberal association" available below should be used.

Declaration of a group of dieticians with joint billing

Liberal dieticians, associations of dieticians, aid and care institutions, aid and care networks and semi-stationary centres are entitled to invoice services provided by individual dieticians different from the invoicing party, provided that the relationship between invoicing party and performer is reported to the CNS beforehand. In this context, both a salaried relationship as well as work under a contract of enterprise (also called "Freelance") are allowed.

The CNS will only accept fee statements in which a contractor has been declared in advance as a member of the practice or billing establishment using the form "Departure from and/or membership of a group of dietitians with joint billing (not grouped together as a liberal association)" available below.


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For any questions regarding the daily exchange between providers and the CNS in the context of the authorisation and billing procedures, please contact:

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