
  1. The CNS recently published its annual report 2015. The results of 2015 are first of all marked by the good global financial situation of the health-maternity and long-term care insurances. It is safe to say that the financial

  2. The CNS, in collaboration with RTL, broadcasts a series of reports on RTL radio every Monday morning at 7:30. Various topics are approached and provide general information about the CNS and its services.

  3. Important rappel en ces périodes de congés qui approchent. La CNS voudrait vous rappeler qu’un séjour à l’étranger au cours d’un arrêt de travail peut être accordé en cas de maladie grave et uniquement dans certains cas...

  4. Persons who are unable to work are reminded that it is prohibited, under penalty of sanctions, to make changes - either by themselves or a third person - to the initial notes of the doctor in the fields reserved for doctors

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