
  1. Our office in Differdange will be closed this afternoon (03.10.2018). Thank you for your understanding.

  2. Following the entry into force on the 1st of August 2018 of the new index used in the mobile salary grid of 814,40 points, the values of the key-letters of the nomenclatures of healthcare providers (doctors, dentists, nurses

  3. Some invoices are scanned at the CNS, others aren't yet because of their complexity. This is why the insured person may receive several refunds and reimbursement statements, even if the invoices were sent together to the CNS for reimbursement.

  4. The balance of leave for family reasons can now be consulted 7/7 and 24/24 via A certificate providing this balance may also be requested. This CNS service is only one of the many already available through

  5. Discover our new page "Speech therapy" as well as our new corresponding leaflet. The procedure of coverage for speech therapy treatments is explained in detail.

  6. On the 15th and 16th of March 2018, the CNS office in Clervaux will be closed during relocation. As of 19th of March 2018, the CNS will welcome you at the following address: NORDSTROOSS Shopping Mile Marnach - Block B 9

  7. Receive online the reimbursement statements that we currently send you by post each time you request a refund by sending in a paid invoice. Log on to Choose My Data from the menu at the top, then Health

  8. If you want to inform the CNS of a change of address, the request can be done per email to:, or by  mail to the "Service Coassurance et signalétique" . Luxembourg residents do not

  9. Some procedures can be done online so there is no need to wait on the phone or visit an agency. change bank details; request a provisional certificate replacing the European Health Insurance Card; request a certificate of co-insurance; request

  10. Due to an error, some reimbursement statements may be duplicated in MyGuichet. This error occurred on February 27th and will therefore remain an isolated incident. It is currently not possible to delete this erroneous reimbursement statement in the online area

  11. The CNS offers a range of online services, some of which are now available via However, the CNS remains the single point of contact for any queries relating to a specific file or the personal situation of the insured person. The MyGuichet Helpdesk may be contacted for technical/IT questions or issues.

  12. The system which allowed parents to usually request up to 2 days of leave per calendar year to stay with their sick child under 15 years of age has been replaced with a new mechanism as of 2018. The new

  13. The certificates of remuneration for the year 2017 are automatically sent out starting mid-February. Given the number of certificates that need to be issued, the mailing should be finalised mid-March.

  14. For a reimbursement by bank transfer, please send the original paid and receipted fee notes and invoices to the following address: Caisse nationale de santé Remboursements L-2980 LUXEMBOURG

  15. If the insured person wishes to be refunded by cheque in one of the CNS agencies, they will from now on receive the corresponding reimbursement statement immediately. The CNS offers this service in favour of the insured person, who will no longer have to wait to receive the document by post.

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