
  1. The CNS wishes you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season. Take good care of yourselves!

  2. Due to the current high amount of claims, the time it takes to receive a refund - from the moment you send a request up until the moment you receive your reimbursement via bank transfer - is longer than usual. Thank you...

  3. The transition period following the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union ends on 31.12.2020 and the provisions of the withdrawal agreement will apply as of 01.01.2021. The consequences of the United Kingdom's...

  4. Discover our new leaflet "Pensioners abroad" and the new related section on our website. It provides a detailed explanation of how pensioners living abroad are covered in terms of health insurance.

  5. The following agencies will exceptionally be closed in the morning: December 2nd: Differdange, Ettelbrück, Mondorf December 8th: Luxembourg-Ville, Dudelange December 9th: Mersch, Wiltz The agencies will be open again in the afternoon, but only with an appointment to be...

  6. The CNS' Council of Administration approved the 2019 annual report. It provides additional information to the official documents that are the budgets and accounts of the sickness, maternity and long-term care insurances, with a particular focus on the functioning...

  7. As an employee, have you received a letter in French accompanied by a certificate of compensation FOR YOUR INFORMATION? You will find all the information by following this link. As an employer, have you received a letter in French accompanied...

  8. Insured persons may continue to benefit from reimbursements by cheque from the CNS and cash it at a POST office. The decision to end cheque transactions as of 1 October 2020, recently announced by the POST, affects only POST cheques...

  9. In order to provide a agreeable environment for its insured and with the aim of continuously improving its services, the CNS opened 5 new agencies during the year. These five new branches, located in Differdange, Esch-sur-Alzette, Ettelbruck, Mondorf...

  10. In view of the current situation related to Covid-19, the main agencies of the CNS are open to the public by appointment. Without an appointment, our staff will not be able to receive you.

  11. Follow us on our Facebook page and get the latest information on the health and maternity insurance on a regular basis. Visit our page and remember to click the "Like" button to subscribe and have our publications appear in your...

  12. In principle, in the event of incapacity for work, the employee is entitled to continued payment from their employer until the end of the calendar month during which the 77th day of sick leave occurs, calculated over a reference period...

  13. Wiltz As of July 13, 2020, we will welcome you at the new address at 34, rue Michel Thilges L-9573 Wiltz. Remich/Mondorf As of July 17, 2020, the Remich agency will be closing its doors for relocation. As...

  14. As part of the measures accompanying the gradual deconfinement linked to COVID-19, the National Health Fund (CNS) has been seized with a number of questions concerning the issuing of medical certificates or attestations by health professionals for persons at...

  15. The Esch agency is moving on June 26, 2020 and will remain closed during the day. As of June 29, 2020, the new address will be 4, Boulevard Berwart, L-4043 ESCH-SUR-ALZETTE. However for the current reasons of...

  16. For security reasons and to respect the social distancing measures with the National Health Fund, it is now possible to make appointments online with the CNS agencies via This can be done without authentication. For further information, please...

  17. Following notification by the United Kingdom of its intention to leave the European Union (EU) and the repeated postponement of the effective date of exit, the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the EU will take place on 31 January 2020...

  18. Following the entry into force on 1 January 2020 of the new index of 834.76-points, the values of the key letters in the nomenclatures of healthcare providers (doctors, dentists, nurses, physiotherapists, psychomotor therapists, midwives, speech therapists, dietitians, palliative

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