
  1. In addition to reimbursements by bank transfer, the CNS offers an alternative, faster and safer method of reimbursement for the healthcare costs you have received. In addition to the classic cheque, you can now receive an instant payment at one...

  2. The certificates of remuneration for the year 2022 are sent out automatically starting mid-February 2023. Given the number of certificates to be issued, mailing should be finalised by mid-March 2023. If you have not received your certificate by...

  3. The various regulations for the coverage of psychotherapy will come into force on 1 February 2023. As of this date, reimbursement of psychotherapy sessions will be effective. What are the conditions for reimbursement and how do you apply for reimbursement...

  4. What is the e-Delivery function? The eDelivery allows the CNS to activate the online sumission of eDocuments in pdf format such as the reimbursement statement the certificate of days of family reasons; the certificate of cash benefits paid by...

  5. The National Health Fund presents its annual report 2021. The annual report gives the CNS the opportunity to communicate the key elements of its activity in managing the sickness, maternity and long-term care insurances of the social security system...

  6. The Health Directorate has just published a new ordinance valid as of 16 July 2022 until 15 October 2022. The CNS therefore has the legal base to be able to reimburse teleconsultations from this date. We would like to point...

  7. Certificates of incapacity for work as well as isolation or quarantine orders should be sent directly to (only these documents). You may continue to submit theses documents by normal mail. Please send to: Caisse nationale de santé Indemnités pécuniaires L-2980 LUXEMBOURG Luxembourg

  8. If you have an appointment at one of the CNS agencies and you are not able to attend it, please cancel it. How do I cancel my appointment? The appointment can be cancelled by using the link provided on the...

  9. While residents do not in principle need to inform government institutions of any changes (change of address, living situation, birth of a child, etc.) since this information is automatically notified by the municipal administration concerned to the National Registry of...

  10. Due to the current high amount of claims, the time it takes to receive a refund - from the moment you send a request up until the moment you receive your reimbursement via bank transfer - is longer than usual, between 6...

  11. A new nomenclature for midwives came into effect on 01.02.2022. You will find further information on the services of midwives in our revised section "Midwives".

  12. Discover our new section "Laboratories" which contains explanations on the coverage of laboratory services provided in Luxembourg or abroad.

  13. The CNS has been informed by several insured persons of fraudulent calls they have received from numbers beginning with "691". The scammers, who speak English, try to convince their (potential) victims that a fraud has taken place with their CNS...

  14. The CNS' Council of Administration approved the 2020 annual report. It provides additional information to the official documents that are the budgets and accounts of the sickness, maternity and long-term care insurances, with a particular focus on the functioning...

  15. The CNS mobile app is now available in the App store with the search term "CNSapp" or "Caisse nationale de santé". For Android, the application will be available in the coming days. But what does this mean for you? Find out...

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