My insured eSpace provides me with an entire insured eSpace!

There, I can check my reimbursement statements, the number of days remaining for my leave for family reasons, as well as the bank details registered in my file, and much more!

I can also request a co-insurance certificate or a change of my bank details.

The CNS explains it all here. - With or without authentication?

With authentication

If I log on to - in other words, if I authenticate myself - I have access to my personal, secure eSpace. I can consult certain information in real time and carry out various available procedures (without needing the direct link to a procedure).

More specifically, in my eSpace I can

  • Activate the eDelivery function to receive documents online.
  • View documents received via eDelivery, such as reimbursement statements.
  • Check in real time the number of days remaining for leave for family reasons and the bank details recorded in my file.
  • Directly access various CNS procedures.
I'm logging on to How to connect?

Without authentication

If I don't log on to, I won't have access to my personal eSpace or to the many advantages.

However, I can still access most of the CNS procedures available on, even without authentication.

All I need is a direct link to the procedure I'm interested in.

I can find the explanations and links under the heading 'Everything I need to know' below.

Everything I need to know

I click on the tab corresponding to my choice: either to access my personal space with authentication, or to carry out various procedures without authentication.

What is eDelivery?

Once activated, the eDelivery function enables me to receive a certain number of CNS documents directly in my private and secure eSpace on They are stored there in PDF format. I can deactivate eDelivery at any time.

For example: details of reimbursements, certificate of days of leave for family reasons, provisional replacement certificate for the European Health Insurance Card, etc.

Please note! By activating eDelivery, I give up the right to receive these documents by post, but I can change my mind at any time by deactivating it.

What are the advantages of eDelivery?

  • I receive my documents quickly and directly in my secure private eSpace.
  • I can consult my documents anywhere at any time, without wasting paper.
  • My documents are stored securely and I can print them if I need to.

How do I activate eDelivery?

I activate eDelivery in just a few clicks in my private eSpace on under:

  1. My data > Health/Social > Sickness fund > Activation of services.
  2. Under 'Activation of services', I scroll down to 'eDelivery: Receive your documents in PDF format' ...
  3. ...and click on 'Activate'!

To access my eSpace, authentication using a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID) is essential.

I access my private eSpace on with authentication mode (LuxTrust, eID or eIDAS) by clicking here

What documents issued by the CNS are currently available for eDelivery?

  1. Reimbursement statement
  2. Certificate of leave for family reasons
  3. Certificate of remuneration and tax deduction (if I received cash benefits from the CNS for the year in question)
  4. Provisional replacement certificate for the European Health Insurance Card
  5. Certificate of entitlement to benefits required during a temporary stay in Cape Verde, Quebec (students), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Tunisia or Turkey
  6. Certificate of co-insurance
  7. Details of the monthly cash benefit calculation
  8. Change of compensation payment charge in the event of illness/accident/family leave
  9. Warning of late declaration of sick leave
  10. Information in the event of a missing identification number
  11. Notification of the Joint Committee (Commission Mixte)
  12. Confirmation of change of bank account
  13. Confirmation that an appointment booked online at a CNS agency cannot be cancelled
  14. Notification to complete the 'CNS : Request for reimbursement of sick pay for private household staff' procedure on (for private household employers)
  15. Statement of services provided by means of direct coverage via PID

What procedures are available?

Communicating online with the CNS is more convenient with MyGuichet in order to:

  • Change my bank details
  • Request a co-insurance certificate
  • Request a provisional replacement certificate for my European Health Insurance Card
  • Request a certificate of entitlement to benefits required during a temporary stay in Cape Verde, Quebec (students), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tunisia or Turkey
  • Make an appointment at a CNS agency

What are the advantages of applying online via MyGuichet?

  • I can take the necessary steps anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • I no longer have to wait on the phone or visit an agency.
  • My application is processed quickly, and my documents are stored in my private, secure eSpace.
  • My personal data is protected.

What are the advantages of using authentication?

CNS procedures can be carried out with or without authentication. However, the advantages of using authentication are as follows:

  • My details are pre-filled, so I save time.
  • I can stop the process and resume it later by finding it in the ‘My processes’ section.
  • I can follow the processing of my application live, thanks to the status displayed: ‘In preparation’, ‘Forwarded’, ‘To be corrected’ or ‘Closed’.
  • I can consult my messages and documents in my secure private eSpace;
  • I can easily and quickly rectify my action if the administration or organisation asks me to.

In order to carry out a procedure with authentication on, I must connect with an authentication product (LuxTrust, eID or eIDAS). LuxTrust products are available from my bank or from LuxTrust.

I access my private eSpace on with authentication (LuxTrust, eID or eIDAS) by clicking here

With authentication

With authentication, I can carry out the same procedures as without, but I have the following advantages:

  • My details are pre-filled, so I save time.
  • I can stop the procedure and resume it later by finding it in the ‘My procedures’ section.
  • I can follow the progress of my procedure live, thanks to the status displayed: ‘In preparation’, ‘Forwarded’, ‘To be corrected’ or ‘Closed’.
  • I can consult my messages and documents in my secure private eSpace.
  • I can rectify my procedure quickly and easily if the administration or organisation asks me to.

In order to carry out a procedure with authentication on, I must connect with an authentication product (LuxTrust, eID or eIDAS). LuxTrust products are available from my bank or from LuxTrust.

I access my private eSpace on with authentication (LuxTrust, eID or eIDAS) by clicking here

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