Who does what in health

As an insured individual in Luxembourg, it is essential to understand how the social security system works and to know who to contact for my needs.

This guide helps me to find my way around the various institutions and administrations to better manage my health and social security procedures.

The social security system in Luxembourg

Social security in Luxembourg is organised into different branches, each allocated to specific institutions that manage the various social risks. These risks include sickness, long-term care, maternity, accidents at work, occupational diseases, invalidity, old age and family responsibilities.

Thanks to this system, I benefit from comprehensive protection that accompanies me throughout my life, providing me with support tailored to my needs.

Below, I can read about the various subjects and the competent institutions.

Institutions in charge

National Health Fund

The National Health Fund (Caisse nationale de santé CNS) manages health insurance for private-sector employees and public-sector manual workers.

I contact the CNS to: obtain reimbursement for my care, report an incapacity for work, obtain specific care, receive international forms, update my personal information, or obtain documents such as a social security card.

To find out more, I click here

Employers' Mutual Insurance Fund

The Employers' Mutual Insurance Fund (Mutualité des employeurs MDE) plays an essential role in Luxembourg health insurance by reimbursing employers for part of the salaries maintained during certain periods of incapacity for work, in accordance with Luxembourg legislation on the maintenance of remuneration.

In addition, self-employed workers can take out voluntary insurance with the MDE in order to also benefit from cover during the suspension period, which is the period during which the CNS does not pay financial compensation for self-employed workers.

Hence, the MDE provides financial protection for both employers and the self-employed, making it easier to manage income in the event of incapacity for work.

I am self-employed and would like information on the conditions for taking out voluntary insurance, the reimbursement of wages in the event of incapacity, or the procedures to follow (insurance, incapacity, general questions), then I contact the MDE.

To find out more about the MDE, I click here

The Social Security Medical Board (CMSS)

The Social Security Medical Board (Contrôle médical de la sécurité sociale CMSS) is a government agency, separate from the CNS, reporting to the Minister for Health and Social Security.

The CMSS assesses the state of health of insured persons and provides medical advice for the granting of social security benefits by various bodies, in particular the National Health Fund (CNS), but also the National Pension Insurance Fund (CNAP) and the Accident Insurance Association (AAA). Through this assessment, the CMSS ensures that benefits are justified and comply with current standards.


The Caisse de maladie des fonctionnaires et employés communaux (CMFEC), the Caisse de maladie des fonctionnaires et employés publics (CMFEP) and the Entraide médicale des CFL (EMCFL) manage health insurance for civil servants and similar staff, with the exception of manual workers employed by the State, who are affiliated to the CNS.

To contact the relevant fund, I click on the corresponding button below.

The CNS, administrator of long-term care insurance

Long-term care insurance is one of the branches of social security. It covers the cost of assistance and care for people in need of long-term care.

Long-term care insurance is managed by the CNS, which is responsible for all administrative tasks, including receiving and processing claims, issuing decisions and paying benefits.

If you have any questions about claims, types of benefits available or eligibility requirements, please contact the CNS.

To find out more, I click here

AEC: Long-term care insurance assessment and control authority

The Administration d'évaluation et de contrôle (AEC) is responsible for making decisions regarding the granting of long-term care insurance benefits by assessing the needs of insured persons and guaranteeing the quality of the services provided. It also acts as an advisor and expert, in particular by carrying out on-site inspections.

National Pension Insurance Fund

I am covered by the general pension insurance scheme in Luxembourg, unless I am a public sector employee/civil servant. If I am employed in the private sector or self-employed in Luxembourg, the National Pension Insurance Fund (Caisse nationale d'assurance pension CNAP) is the institution that deals with my questions relating to pension insurance.

The primary role of the CNAP is to provide pension benefits in the following situations:

  • Old age
  • Invalidity
  • Survivorship

For any questions regarding old-age pensions, early retirement pensions, invalidity pensions, or survivor's pensions, the CNAP is my dedicated point of contact.

To find out more, I click here

Accident Insurance Association (AAA)

The Accident Insurance Association (Association d'assurance accident AAA) is responsible for the prevention of and compensation for accidents at work, commuting accidents and occupational illnesses.

If I have an accident at work or on the way to or from work, my employer will report it to the AAA using the appropriate form.

I can contact the AAA if I have any questions about:

  • Accidents at work, commuting accidents or occupational illnesses
  • Accident allowance
  • E123/DA1 forms (certifying my entitlement to benefits in the event of an accident at work or occupational disease)

The CNS also manages the payment of certain healthcare benefits on behalf of the accident insurance scheme.

To find out more about the AAA, I click here

Children's Future Fund (CAE)

I work in Luxembourg and need information about:

  • Parental leave
  • Family allowances
  • Birth grants (Livret bleu - prenatal, birth and postnatal allowances)
  • Childcare-service vouchers (CSA)

The Children's Future Fund (Caisse pour l'avenir des enfants CAE) is the institution to contact.

It is responsible for managing and paying family benefits and parental leave allowance, as well as applications for the childcare-service voucher scheme for non-residents.

Please note! Residents must apply to their commune of residence to join the CSA scheme.

To find out more about the CAE, I click here

Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS)

The Joint Social Security Centre (Centre commun de la sécurité sociale CCSS) is responsible for registering insured persons and collecting social security contributions in Luxembourg. It also manages data collection and processing for the country's various social security institutions.

As an insured person, whether I am an employee or self-employed, the CCSS is my point of contact for any questions I may have concerning:

  • Affiliation/disaffiliation to Luxembourg social security
  • Registering a first recruitment or a change of job
  • Declaration of entry to or exit from the Luxembourg social security system
  • Creation of a national identification number (13 digits)
  • Compulsory insurance (for people in paid employment) or voluntary insurance
  • Collection of contributions

I can also contact the CCSS to order certain documents, such as:

  • Affiliation certificate (with details of the various periods of affiliation)
  • Income certificate (details of income declared for a given period)
  • Summary of account statements (including payments, contributions, interest and refunds)
  • Social security card
  • Certificate of non-obligation (for self-employed workers)
To find out more about the CCSS, I click here

Luxembourg Employment Development Agency (ADEM)

The ADEM (Agence pour le développement de l'emploi) supports employment in Luxembourg. It is responsible for registering jobseekers, allocating unemployment benefits, providing support in finding work and integrating people with disabilities into the labour market. It also organises vocational guidance, training and outplacement for people whose state of health limits their activity.

I contact the ADEM if I have questions about:

  • Unemployment benefits
  • Form U1
  • Vocational redeployment and the joint commission
  • Disabled worker status (rate, procedure, etc.)
To find out more about the ADEM, I click here

National Solidarity Fund (FNS)

The Social Inclusion Income (Revenu d'Inclusion Sociale REVIS) is designed to support low-income households and guarantee a basic standard of living to anyone who qualifies.

The National Solidarity Fund (Fonds National de Solidarité FNS) is responsible for managing REVIS, including processing applications, making decisions and disbursing payments.

In addition to the FNS, two other players are involved in the process:

  • The National Office for Social Inclusion (ONIS), which monitors beneficiaries and implements stabilisation or activation measures.
  • The Employment Development Agency (ADEM), which monitors beneficiaries and organises actions to promote employment.

If I have any questions about the REVIS, I can contact the FNS for my application and obtain the necessary support.

To find out more about the REVIS, I click here

Labour and Mines Inspectorate (ITM)

The Labour and Mines Inspectorate (Inspection du travail et des mines ITM), under the authority of the Ministry of Labour, monitors compliance with working conditions and the safety of employees in Luxembourg. It monitors the application of labour laws, provides legal and technical advice to employers and employees, and intervenes in the event of industrial disputes or infringements.

I can contact the ITM if I have questions about:

  • working conditions, health and safety at work
  • employment contracts, working hours, statutory holidays and the termination of employment contracts
  • Compliance with labour legislation
  • industrial disputes or violations of employees' rights
  • Safety in certain establishments or classified installations.

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