Long-term care

Illness? Disability? Or loss of independence caused by age?

To ensure I have support when the time comes to face dependency and to help me navigate it more effectively, the social security system includes a dedicated branch: Long-Term Care Insurance.

It covers the cost of the assistance and care required by all those concerned.

Everything I need to know

Definitions I need to know

I am considered to be dependent if I regularly need help from a third party to carry out the essential acts of life, due to illness or a physical, mental or psychological disability.

The essential acts of life:

  • HYGIENE = I need help with my personal hygiene.
  • ELIMINATION = I need help to go to the toilet (or any other way of eliminating waste from the body).
  • NUTRITION = I need help to eat, drink or be fed via a tube (enteral nutrition).
  • DRESSING = I need help getting dressed and/or undressed.
  • MOBILITY = I need help when I change position, move around or enter/exit my home.

Please note that this help must be required for at least three and a half hours a week and the state of dependency must, in all probability, last for more than six months or be irreversible.

No need to panic... In the event of significant and regular need, as determined by the State Office for Assessment and Monitoring of the long-term care insurance (Administration d'évaluation et de contrôle (AEC) de l'assurance dépendance), adaptations to the home, technical aids and and related training may be granted without regard to the threshold of 3 hours 30 minutes per week if, in all probability, the illness or disability lasts longer than six months or is irreversible.

What are the steps I need to take?

I believe I am entitled to long-term care insurance benefits?

No problem. Together with my doctor, I prepare my application for the National Health Fund (CNS). My application must include:

  • A form to be completed, available online (by the person concerned or their legal representative), and
  • A medical report (R20) to be completed by the attending physician. The medical report (R20) is free of charge: my doctor will be paid directly by the long-term care insurance scheme.

Please note that the same form can be used for a request for review/reassessment.

No application is necessary if I have a certificate of coverage for palliative care.

How is the decision made?

In order to determine the nature and quantity of the benefits to which I am potentially entitled, my level of dependency must be assessed.

The assessment will be carried out by a referent from the State Office for Assessment and Monitoring (Administration d'évaluation et de contrôle (AEC) ) after an appointment has been made.

What assistance does long-term care insurance provide?

I can receive benefits (material and/or financial support) under the long-term care insurance scheme, which may be granted on the advice of the State Office for Assessment and Monitoring (Administration d'évaluation et de contrôle).

Benefits in kind

→ These are benefits in kind. This is generally assistance provided by a healthcare provider or professional such as:

  • an assistance and care network
  • a care home
  • an integrated centre for the elderly
  • a centre for semi-stationary residents

In the vast majority of cases, these professionals and organisations who help me ‘in kind’ bill the CNS directly for their services. I don't have to pay anything!

Interesting: technical aids and home adaptations are benefits in kind.

Cash benefits

Cash benefits are also available.

If I am helped by a third party whom I pay, this carer is assessed by the Administration d'évaluation et de contrôle de l'assurance dépendance. Cash benefits are paid monthly into my account, and I pay my carer.

Further information can be found on the Administration d'évaluation et de contrôle (AEC) website.

When will I receive my long-term care insurance cash benefits?

The following table shows the dates on which cash benefits will be paid in 2025.

It may take 3-4 days from the settlement date for the amount to be received.

Mont Payment
Janvier 13.01.2025
Février 17.02.2025
Mars 17.03.2025
Avril 14.04.2025
Mai 19.05.2025
Juin 16.06.2025
Juillet 14.07.2025
Septembre 15.09.2025
Octobre 13.10.2025
Novembre 17.11.2025
Décembre 15.12.2025

For all questions concerning cash benefits under the long-term care insurance scheme:

Département Assurance Dépendance
Service Liquidation

E-mail: adespeces.cns@secu.lu
Phone: 27 57 – 4455

I am receiving palliative care. Am I entitled to long-term care insurance benefits?

... YES!

In detail... Here are my rights.

The ‘palliative care’ entitlement automatically gives me access to the majority of long-term care insurance benefits.

As a beneficiary of a palliative care entitlement, I am not required to submit a claim for benefits to the long-term care insurance scheme or to provide an R20 medical report from my doctor. Furthermore, I am not assessed by the AEC.

1. Provider of assistance and care for the essential acts of life

I can call on the services of an assistance and care provider for the essentials of life, including hygiene, nutrition, mobility, dressing and elimination. I can also take advantage of individual childcare, activities to support independence and assistance with housekeeping when I'm at home. In an institution, I can access activities to support independence and accompaniment. One notable advantage is that I will not have to pay the costs associated with this care in advance, as they will be billed directly to the CNS by the service provider.

2. Incontinence equipment

Incontinence equipment is automatically covered in a care establishment.

However, in order to receive the lump-sum payment for incontinence equipment when care is provided at home, I must provide a prescription to activate coverage.

The prescription can be sent by email to the following address: assurancedependance@secu.lu.

3. Technical aids

I can also benefit from the technical aids listed in Annex 2 of the Grand-Ducal Regulation of December 2017 amending the amended Grand-Ducal Regulation of 22 December 2006: List of technical aids covered by the nursing care insurance for people receiving palliative care.

I or a member of my family can go directly to the Service moyens accessoires (SMA) located at 20-22, rue Geespelt, L-3378 Livange, with a medical prescription. Alternatively, my aids and care provider can send an e-mail to the following address: assurancedependance@secu.lu. He should specify the equipment required as well as my weight and height details in order to best meet my needs.

4. Home adaptions

As a person in receipt of a palliative care entitlement, I unfortunately do not have access to home adaptation services.

5. Cash benefit

If I am already covered by long-term care insurance and receiving a cash benefit, this cash benefit will continue to be paid when I become eligible for a palliative care voucher.

When will I be informed of the CNS's decision?

An acknowledgement of receipt is sent to me as soon as the CNS receives a complete application (application form and R20 medical report).

Then... The CNS responds according to the case and the request.

1. Aids and care benefits

The decision on the provision of aids and care, together with the summary of the dependent person's care, is sent by recorded delivery to the dependent person or their legal representative.

2. Home adaptation

A letter providing information on adapting the home is accompanied by a mandate form to be completed by the claimant or his/her legal representative and returned to the CNS - Département Assurance dépendance.

3. Technical assistance (paramedical equipment)

Technical assistance approved in advance by the Administration d'évaluation et de contrôle is made available:

  • leased by the long-term care insurance scheme from a supplier and made available to the dependent person
  • as a purchase (bought by the long-term care insurance scheme) for the benefit of the dependent person

Can I appeal if my application is rejected?

... YES! Any decision may be appealed.

Refusal decisions are accompanied by a copy of the opinion of the Administration d'évaluation et de contrôle on which the Caisse nationale de santé (CNS) - Département Assurance dépendance (Long-term Care Insurance Department) bases its decision.

In the event of disagreement, I may lodge an objection with the Board of Directors within 40 days and by registered post after being notified of the decision of the long-term care insurance.

To this address: Caisse nationale de santé, Conseil d'administration, L-2978 Luxembourg

What if I live abroad? Am I entitled to long-term care insurance?

If I live abroad and I think I am entitled to long-term care insurance, I can apply for:

  • cash benefits (help provided by a third party, called a ‘carer’) ;
  • benefits in kind (technical aids, home adaptations, help provided by a healthcare provider).

Cash benefits

Cash benefits are paid by the country where I am insured and where I pay contributions (against the risks of illness and dependency). These benefits can be exported to another EU country.

Benefits in kind

Benefits in kind are provided by my country of residence and in accordance with the provisions applicable in that country. This means that any technical aids, home adaptations or help from a care provider must be requested from the health insurance fund in my country of residence.


I am a cross-border worker living in France, affiliated to the health insurance scheme in Luxembourg and recognised as dependent:

  • Cash benefits: Luxembourg pays the cash benefits.
  • Benefits in kind: I must contact my health insurance fund in France to have benefits in kind covered.

What's important to know: entitlement to benefits may vary depending on residence and/or affiliation.

You can find more information on the AEC site

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