Employees and self-employed

Employees and self-employed workers have special rights when it comes to paid leave: incapacity for work, leave for family reasons, flexible working hours or exemption from work during pregnancy...

On this page, I can check my rights and find out about the formalities I need to complete to qualify.

To find the answer to my question, I just need to select the situation I'm interested in below and click on the corresponding link.

My incapacity for work

I won't let administrative tasks get in the way of prioritising my health. I can easily submit my certificate of incapacity for work online and focus on my recovery with peace of mind.

This page provides essential information about my rights, obligations, required formalities, and other useful details on the following topics:

My special leave

In certain circumstances in my family life, I may be entitled to special leave with compensation from the CNS.

On these pages, I'll find out about the conditions to be met to qualify, the procedures to be followed, the duration of leave granted, and much more!

My leave and working conditions during my pregnancy

Before, during and after childbirth, I have the right to maternity leave and, depending on my activity, to an exemption from work or adaptation of my working conditions.

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