Authorised absences from home when on sick leave

I'm currently on sick leave for health reasons. While I'm fully adhering to my doctor's recommendations, I'd like more information about the permitted absences from home during my sick leave and the rules I need to follow.

Everything I need to know

I will be staying elsewhere than at my home. How do I inform the CNS?

For personal reasons or because of my state of health (need for assistance, a quiet environment, accommodation without stairs, etc.), I may stay at an address other than my own during my sick leave.

In this case, the address must appear in detail on my certificate of incapacity for work: place, street, number, floor, name on the doorbell, etc.

Please note! This form only applies to addresses in the country of residence.

I want to stay abroad or need to travel abroad. Is this possible?

In theory, while I am on sick leave, the country in which I am staying cannot be different from my country of residence.

If I need or wish to stay abroad, this is only possible with prior authorisation from the CNS, which will only be granted in the following cases:

  • if I suffer from a serious illness (e.g. cancer, stroke, severe heart failure, multiple sclerosis, etc.),
  • if I have the right to palliative care,
  • if I find myself on invalidity proceedings,
  • in the event of the death of a close relative,
  • if my child is born abroad.

Good to know: In the case of a death or birth abroad, authorisation can only be requested and granted once the event has taken place, on presentation of the death certificate or birth certificate.

Caisse nationale de santé
Service Contrôle et gestion des certificats d'incapacité de travail
L-2980 Luxembourg

I will be informed of the decision regarding the approval or refusal of authorisation.

When can I leave my home while I'm off sick?

Two specific rules apply depending on whether I am between the 1st and 5th day, or between the 6th day and the end of my sick leave.

Eating a meal

From day 1 and throughout my incapacity for work, I may take a meal outside my home/address of stay.

I must inform the CNS in advance using the online form: Notification regarding taking a meal outside during sick leave.

Between days 1 and 5

Between days 1 and 5, I am allowed to leave for:

  • Attending appointments with the Social Security Medical Board (Contrôle médical de la sécurité sociale)
  • Receiving treatment, diagnostic procedures, medication, or medical devices.

I do not need to inform the CNS, but I must be able to justify my absence in case of an administrative control.

From the 6th day

From the 6th day onwards, provided that my doctor has authorised it on my certificate of incapacity for work, I may go out:

  • Between 10.00 and 12.00 in the morning
  • Between 14.00 and 18.00 in the afternoon

From the 43rd day - Waiver of exit hours

If I am unable to work for a period of more than 6 consecutive weeks, I can ask the CNS to lift certain restrictions from the 43rd day of absence. All I have to do is complete the online form by clicking on the following link: Requesting a waiver of exit hours restrictions and wait for the CNS's answer.

What activities am I not allowed to pursue? 

During the period of my incapacity for work, I cannot:

  • Take part in sporting activities, unless medically indicated;
  • Engage in an activity that is incompatible with my state of health;
  • Visit a pub or catering establishment, except to take a meal and only after informing the CNS via the online form 'Notification regarding taking a meal outside during sick leave'.

What I need to know about the CNS administrative control

To ensure that I am complying with the authorised absences from my home/address of stay, a CNS control agent may visit my home (or my duly notified temporary address) between 08:00 and 21:00.

Please note!

  • It is not a medical check-up: my health statuts will not be examined.
  • The control applies to both residents and non-residents.
  • It may occur starting from the first day of incapacity.

If I am absent at the time of the visit, the control agent will leave a notice of attendance, inviting me to provide justification within 3 working days from the date of the inspection.

Related procedures

I will be staying elsewhere than at my home

I may stay at an address other than my own during my sick leave (note: in the same country as my place of residence!).

If I have forgotten to indicate my temporary address on the back of my sick leave certificate, I can inform the CNS using the declaration form.

Access the declaration form

I inform the CNS that I am taking a meal outside

From the 1st day of my incapacity for work, I can take a meal outside.

I must inform the CNS in advance using the online form 'Notification regarding taking a meal outside during sick leave'.

Access the declaration form

I am asking the CNS to lift certain exit restrictions

I am unable to work for more than 6 consecutive weeks.

I can ask the CNS to lift certain restrictions from the 43rd day of absence. All I have to do is complete an online form.

Access the declaration form

I want or need to stay abroad during my sick leave

This is only possible with prior authorisation from the CNS and under certain conditions.

I make the request using a specific application form.

Access the declaration form

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