European Health Insurance Card

Having my European Health Insurance Card is essential when I'm staying temporarily in Europe, whether I'm travelling or doing any other kind of business.

This card guarantees me smooth access to healthcare and gives me peace of mind if I ever need treatment during my stay in Europe.

Everything I need to know

Why does my card have two faces?

The Luxembourg social security card has two distinct faces:

  • A national face showing my 13-digit national identification number and my name, whether I am the principal insured or co-insured. This enables me to claim my rights to health care, maternity and dependency benefits in Luxembourg.
  • A European Health Insurance Card that entitles me to reimbursement of immediately necessary healthcare costs during a temporary stay in the countries of the European Union (EU), Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein.
To find out more about how to use my health insurance card abroad, I click here.

How do I get one?

To obtain my first card or to replace my expired card, I don't need to go anywhere. I can order it online, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, on the website of the Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS).

If my card expires soon, I can order a new one by e-mail using the CNS contact form.

Important: to order my card, I need my 13-digit national identification number.

I click here to order my card on the CCSS website

How long is it valid for?  

In terms of validity, the two faces are not equivalent. The national face remains valid for as long as I am affiliated to the Luxembourg health insurance scheme.

The European face, on the other hand, has an expiry date, and its period of validity is calculated according to how long I have been a member. For example, during my first year of membership, I will receive a card that is valid for 3 months. Thereafter, the validity will be gradually extended.

Important! Whatever the expiry date, the validity of my European Health Insurance Card ends at the same time as my membership.

What should I do if I have forgotten or misplaced my European Health Insurance Card?

If I have lost my card or left it at home while travelling, I can request a provisional replacement certificate via, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, from wherever I am.

If I make my request with authentication and if I have activated the eDelivery function, I receive the certificate directly in my secure private eSpace. Otherwise, my certificate will be sent by post to my official address.

Important: I ensure that my address is always up to date. If I am abroad (within the European Union, the European Economic Area, or Switzerland), I can present this certificate to a healthcare provider without needing to contact the local health insurance fund in the country where I am staying.

The provisional replacement certificate is valid for 3 months from the date of issue. This gives me plenty of time to order and receive a new card.

An expired or lost card?

How do I get reimbursed for a treatment abroad?

I'm abroad and need emergency treatment. How do I use my card? How do I get reimbursed?

Everything I need to know can be found in the ‘Treatment abroad’ section.

I find out everything I need to know in the Treatment abroad section

Did you know that the CNS makes a distinction between care that has become necessary during a stay abroad and care that has been scheduled abroad? Read all about it in our Care abroad section!

And what if I'm travelling to a country that doesn't accept the card?

I'm travelling to a country outside the European Economic Area and Switzerland. What do I do if I can't use the European card?

I find out everything I need to know in the section on Unscheduled treatment abroad

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